MSB DBTAP logoThe Missouri DeafBlind Project strives to improve services and results to youth who are deafblind and their families by strengthening collaborations among local, state, and national teams, provide consultations, and professional development through individual schools or through weeklong trainings at Missouri School for the Blind. These efforts increase early identification and intervention, increase access to communication and the general education environments, facilitate family engagement, support successful transitions, and increase the number of highly-qualified personnel. Technical assistance, training, support, and resources are available for families and service providers of individuals with vision and hearing differences (birth through 21 years of age) at no cost.



ASL Transliteration Videos

DeafBlindness Overview

FAQs MO DeafBlind Census

Parent Release of Information for the MO DeafBlind Census

Family Funding for MoDBTAP

Are you serving a student with deafblindness?


Family/Service Provider Resource Links

  • DeafBlind LiveBinder Resources

  • Family Funding ApplicationPDF DocumentPDF Document
  • The Missouri DeafBlind Technical Assistance Project (MoDBTAP) is excited to offer financial support to families of children with deafblindness. MoDBTAP will provide financial assistance for family members of infants, children and youth (ages birth through 21) who are deafblind to further their knowledge and understanding of their child’s disability and/or the programs and services that support their child, through the Family Involvement Fund. The financial assistance provided should be used to attend conferences and workshops (e.g. registration fees, lodging, travel), as well as to participate in online trainings and webinars or other agreed-upon opportunities.

  • Solicitud de Fondo de FamiliaPDF Document