Extra/Co-Curricular Activities

MSB is pleased to offer a wide variety of clubs, social and service organizations as well as competitive and non-competitive athletics. At MSB we encourage students take advantage of as many of the educational, rewarding and challenging activities offered outside of the educational day as their time and abilities permit. Research shows that involvement in extra- and co-curricular activities has a significant, positive correlation to academic success and social adjustment. It is our sincere desire that each and every MSB student will be involved in at least one extracurricular activity.


We believe that interscholastic athletics and extracurricular activities supplement core and expanded core curricular programs, and as such become a vital part of a student’s total educational experiences. The experiences students gain through participation in extracurricular activities contribute to their educational, social and transition skills and help develop healthy, active habits that reach far beyond the students’ time at MSB. Student participation in any part of our athletic/activity program is a privilege which carries with it responsibilities to the school, to the activity, to the student body, to the community and to the student himself. This participation will help to develop the student physically, mentally, socially, and emotionally.


Activities by Season: Fall, Winter and/or Spring


All Year: Fall, Winter and Spring

  • Beta Club: Students in grades 4–12 who demonstrate good citizenship and are in good academic standing may be invited to join the MSB Beta Clubs. Beta Club is a national student service organization that promotes academic achievement, positive character and leadership development. For more information visit www.BetaClub.org
  • Academic Lab (AcLab): Academic Lab is an after school program designed to give students in grades 6–12 the opportunity to work on assignments or projects with the support of our academic staff. Students may voluntarily attend AcLab or may be mandated to attend if they are behind in work or if their grades are C or below as indicated on their Weekly Progress Report. AcLabs are supervised by MSB teachers who are available to assist students with their work and/or monitor their progress.
  • Arts and Craft Club: Crafts Club is an extracurricular activity geared toward MSB elementary and middle school students to provide fun, crafts and fellowship. Each student learns handicraft skills, in addition to working together as a group to achieve a desired goal, and the joy in developing skills and maybe even discovering latent talents.
  • Book Clubs: For more information, visit www.msb.dese.mo.gov/library-media-center
  • Intramural Sports: Students any age who do not participate in an NCASB Sport for a specific sport/season may participate in Intramural Sports. Intramural Sports offers a variety of athletic events for students, including track and field, bowling and bocce.


Fall: August–October

  • Boys and Girls Track and Field: Students in grades 7–12, ages 14–21 are invited to try out for MSB's Track and Field Teams. MSB team competes in the North Central Association of Schools for the Blind (NCASB) Conference. Track and Field is a fall sport consisting of a variety of running, jumping and throwing activities. For rules, regulations and more information visit http://ncasb.org/sports/ncasb-track/
  • Boys and Girls Goalball: Students in grades 7–12, ages 14–21 are invited to try out for MSB's Goalball Teams. MSB team competes in the North Central Association of Schools for the Blind (NCASB) Conference. Goalball is a fall sport consisting of a variety of sliding, blocking and throwing activities. For rules, regulations and more information visit http://ncasb.org/sports/ncasb-goalball/ or www.usaba.org


Winter: November–February

  • Cheerleading: Students in grades 7–12, ages 14–21 are invited to try out for MSB's Cheerleading Team. MSB Cheer Team competes in the North Central Association of Schools for the Blind (NCASB) Conference. Cheerleading is a winter sport. For rules, regulations and more information visit http://ncasb.org/sports/ncasb-cheerleading/
  • Wrestling: Students in grades 7–12, ages 14–20 are invited to try out for MSB's Wrestling Team. The MSB team competes in the North Central Association of Schools for the Blind (NCASB) Conference and Missouri State High School Activities Association (MSHSAA). Wrestling is a winter sport. Wrestlers participate in numerous meets through NCASB and have a chance to qualify and wrestle in the MSHSAA District Tournament. For rules, regulations and more information visit NCASB.org/sports/ncasb-wrestling or www.MSHSAA.org
  • Bowling: Students in grades 7–12, ages 14–21 are invited to try out for MSB's Bowling Team. The MSB Bowling Team competes in the North Central Association of Schools for the Blind (NCASB) Conference. Bowling is a winter sport. For rules, regulations and more information visit http://ncasb.org


Spring: March–May

  • Boys and Girls Swimming: Students in grades 7–12, ages 14–21 are invited to try out for MSB's Swim Teams. MSB team competes in the North Central Association of Schools for the Blind (NCASB) Conference. Swimming is a spring sport. For rules, regulations and more information visit http://ncasb.org/sports/ncasb-swimming/
  • Forensics: Students in grades 7–12, ages 14–21 are invited to try out for MSB's Team. MSB's Forensics team competes in the North Central Association of Schools for the Blind (NCASB) Conference. Forensics is a spring sport. For rules, regulations and more information visit NCASB.org/sports/ncasb-forensics


Participation Requirements

All MSB Students are eligible to participate in MSB's extracurricular activities. To participate in athletic endeavors, students must have a current Sports Physical on file at MSB by the beginning of each season. Final determinations for playing time and assignment of positions are at the discretion of the Head Coach and approval of the Extracurricular Coordinator. To review current, detailed procedures for student eligibility, play time etc. please visit the MSB Extracurricular Handbook.